Synopsis : With the world now aware of his dual life as the armored superhero Iron Man, billionaire inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) faces pressure from the government, the press, and the public to share his technology with the military. Unwilling to let go of his invention, Stark, along with Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow), and James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Don Cheadle) at his side, must forge new alliances -- and confront powerful enemies.
My Review :
Here comes the sequel of the best superhero movie : Iron Man 2! As before, Robert Downey Jr. play his part very well. I like him especially in the Sherlock Holmes movie. I thought that Iron Man 2 will introduce Hulk as the Iron Man partner since Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) appear at the end of The Hulk movie two years ago (if you realize and watched The Incredible Hulk (2008). Well it's not. It's still a story of a superhero (Tony Stark) finding his way to become a superhero. Yeahh.. The first movie, he's already become a superhero but morally he's not. He's still a stubborn and selfish person who only think of himself. So, mainly this movie is about Tony Stark becoming a better man. Well, in the end he's got Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow). :P But, Natalie Rushman/Natasha Romanov (Scarlett Johansson) rock! Hehe~ Good display by her till the end. As other superhero movie, there's a villain. In this movie, Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) play as the villain who want to revenge for his corrupted father death. He played his character well but he died too easy.. :P It's also a scene in the movie where he asked for a specific bird. But till the end he's not getting his bird but satisfied with the one that given to him. That's confused me. Well if you are a smart super villain, you must wanted that 'specific' item. Anyway, Tony Stark + Gwyneth Paltrow + Scarlett Johansson + a lot of action saves the movie very much... I'm giving a rating of 7.5/10 for the movie. Thanks~
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